Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shawshank Redemption

The story and movie of Shawshank Redemption is one of the most popular stories to have ever been created. It takes place in the late 1940's and some 20 to 30 years down the road. It is the story of a man that had been accused of murdering his wife and sentenced to life in prision. However, this man, Andy Dufresne, was not like the other prisoners, becuase he did not let prison take away his spirit. After 20 some years, Andy escaped from Shawshank and made his way towards Mexico, leaving a not behind to his friend Red, who was also in prison, to join him in Mexico.

Point of View
The point of view of this story is 3rd person narative. It is told through the eyes of an inmate named Red. Red was the prisoner that could get you anything that you wanted. The story coming from his point of view may have given a sckewed view of what Andy was truely thinking, but nontheless, described the events very well. The story might have been played out differently if it would have been told from the view of Andy. There would have been a alot more inner feelings and thoughts regardeing the escape.

There are two main characters in this Story. One of them being Andy and the other one being Red. Andy is a person that is spending life in prison for the murder of his wife, which he says that he did not do. Red, was already in prison when Andy got there, and was known as the man that could get you anything that you wanted. Red, also, was one of the only people that believed Andy was innocent. Red and Andy became friends on the inside and when Andy made his escape, he invited Red to come along with him to Mexico, showing the bond the two had formed.

The setting of this story is over the span of many years. It starts in the late 1940's and then goes through almost the 1970's. Andy had spent 20 some years in prison before he had broken out. The scence of the story was Shawshank Prison, where Andy and Red were both inmates. Almost all of the story takes place throughout the prison because Andy and Red were assisigned jobs as laborers working on the roof of the prisons plants.

The theme of this story is that no matter how hard life may get, you can't let anything keep you away from what you believe or what you want. Andy, throughout the years that he was in prison, maintained his innocent even though everyone around him believed that he was guilty. Also, Andy keep his want to escape from prison alive, and eventually he achieved his goal. Even in the toughest place one could be, Andy still managed to keep his spirits high and never hang his head.

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