Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A hero is a person that shows bravery and courage in the face of danger. A fictional herp would someone like Superman. He helps out people that can not help thereselves no matter what the danger. He does not care abut race or gender. He is a true her because he takes what an average person couldn'd do, and makes it a possibility.

A hero that is known in public would be Martin Luther King Jr. MLK lead the civil right movment for all African American people to obtained rights that the white people had. He took an entire race under him and with a little help he took them from nothing to a working member of society. He is truerly a hero becuase he was one of only a few people to stand up for what he believed in, and he also did it with non viloence.

A personal her that I know would be my parents. They raised me since I was a baby, which is a hard task in itself. However, what is really heroic is that no matter what I do they still love me. They might not always care for what I have done but they will always love me because I am their son. I feel that parents, in general, are heros because of their every day actions.

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